What is Design?It is a systematic, multifarious process of analyzing the situation that needs ‘design’ attention, identifying areas which have scope for improvement and finding effective, sustainable solutions for them. The design solution is always the result of the joint efforts of the client and designer.
"People think that design is styling. Design is not style. It’s not about giving shape to the shell and not giving a damn about the guts. Good design is a renaissance attitude that combines technology, cognitive science, human need, and beauty to produce something that the world didn’t know it was missing."
-Paola Antonelli |
"The dumbest mistake is viewing design as something you do at the end of the process to ‘tidy up’ the mess, as opposed to understanding it’s a ‘day one’ issue and part of everything."
-Tom Peters |
"Design is a plan for arranging elements in such a way as best to accomplish a particular purpose."
-Charles Eames |
"Everything is designed. Few things are designed well."
-Brian Reed |